Hello, my name is Jeff and I am the owner of sPlan Digital. I started this firm to help local business like yours with their online presence and digital marketing in a straight forward and easy to understand way.
I worked for a large marketing firm that lacked transparency and while they touted the fact that they had local salespeople on the streets they were quick to pass you off, the customer, to overseas support post sale. They also would not disclose where your money was being spent for your digital ads campaigns. To figure out what their administrative fee was impossible for salespeople and for the businesses alike. This lack of transparency and lack of results turned into frustration for my customers and eventually would lead to mistrust in the marketing firm.
There are better options for your online presence than large corporate marketing firms and you have found one of them.
sPlan Digital keeps overhead down which in turn keeps our service costs to a minimum. We are not trying to be the biggest firm in the nation, or even the state, we are trying to be the best firm for our customers, all of them!
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